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Letter from Alumni Board President

Greeting, Fellow Alumni,


It is an honor and a privilege for me to serve once again as the Southwest High School Alumni Association President. We have great opportunities ahead of us to meet the many challenges we face. We will meet these challenges head-on as we make our school a guiding light with our commitment to hard work and professionalism. We will work closely with Mr. , the principal of Southwest High School. Some of the goals of the Alumni are to set up though social media a way in which all alumni can attend our meeting, increasing communication to all alumni, increasing alumni membership and contributions and instilling student pride back in Southwest High School.


So now it’s time for us to give back to the current student body what was given to us. Though it may look like it’s too late to assist, it’s never too late to make a difference. We’ve all heard the saying “Each one help one”, well let’s help one. The students at Southwest believe that we don’t care about them and that they are all alone. Unfortunately, they are right because we haven’t done anything that suggested differently. So now it's time for a change and that change starts now. How you ask? By becoming a member of the Southwest High School Alumni Association.


With the pandemic last year changing our lives and how we were able to do business we were still able to awarded two scholarships for $1000.00 each. 


The Southwest High School Alumni Association and Southwest High School need you. The students of Southwest definitely need you. So please help us make a difference this year by joining us, and let’s instill that “Patriot Pride” once again!


Finally, there are many other goals that we will encounter throughout the year, and from time to time, I will be seeking your assistance when implementing them. I strongly encourage each alumnus/alumna to reach out and help another alumnus/alumna become more involved with the alumni association. There are several ways to become involved with Southwest High School Alumni Association: 1.) participating in the association committees, 2.) becoming a financial contributor through dues and 3.) providing gifts to the school.


Through your efforts the school, as well as the alumni, is better able to serve the students and alumni association. It is with great joy and privilege that I encourage all of you, alumni and friends, to reconnect with Southwest High School.

Keith D. Rhodes
Keith D. Rhodes

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